How does physical activity and exercise affect mental health?

Posted in Medical and tagged physical activity, mental health

Do you know how physical activity impacts mental health? Test your knowledge in this quiz!

The connection between physical fitness and mental health is fascinating. How much do you know about it? Take this short quiz to find out and reflect on how fitness might play a role in your life or the lives of young people around you.

1. Which mental health conditions were found to be reduced by better physical fitness in children and adolescents?

impacto da atividade e exercício físico | holmes place

a) Schizophrenia, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and bipolar disorder

b) Depression, anxiety, and ADHD

c) Eating disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder

2. Which type of physical activity was found to provide the greatest mental health benefits?

atividade física | exercício físico | saúde mental

a) Activities that only improve flexibility, like yoga

b) Cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness exercises

c) Activities focused on competition, like team sportsc

3. How does cardiovascular fitness benefit the brain?

atividade física | exercício físico | saúde mental | holmes place

a) It improves blood flow and oxygenation to the brain.

b) It builds stronger bones for better brain support.

c) It increases adrenaline levels to keep the brain alert.

Answer 1: Option b) Depression, anxiety, and ADHD.

Answer 2: Option b) Cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness exercises.

Answer 3: Option a) It improves blood flow and oxygenation to the brain.

Thordis Berger

Chief Medical Officer Holmes Place

Bibliographic reference:

Haapala EA, Leppänen MH, Skog HM, Lubans DR, Viitasalo A, Lintu N, Jalanko P, Määttä S, Lakka TA. Childhood Physical Fitness as a Predictor of Cognition and Mental Health in Adolescence: The PANIC Study. Sports Medicine 2024. 

Stanton R, Reaburn P, Happell B. Is cardiovascular or resistance exercise better to treat patients with depression? A narrative review. Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2013 Jul;34(7):531-8.

WHO;, acedido em 13/12/2024

Posted in Medical and tagged physical activity, mental health.