How ageing can affect your hair
Find out how ageing affects the health of your hair and how to keep it strong and well cared for over the years.
Aging is a natural and inevitable process that affects the entire body, including the hair. Like the rest of the body, hair also shows signs of aging, such as loss of colour, diminished shine, and increased dullness.
Test Your Knowledge!
1) What is a hair follicle?
a) It is the hair strand itself.
b) It is an anatomical structure responsible for producing and growing hair.
c) It is a gland that produces the sebum that lubricates the hair strand.
2.) What is the pigment responsible for hair colour, and which cells produce it?
a) Melanin
b) Adrenaline
c) Serotonin
3) What is the main reason hair turns grey with age?
a) Changes in diet
b) Loss of hair pigment
c) Sun exposure
4) What factors, besides natural aging, can accelerate the appearance of gray hair?
a) Excess vitamins
b) Physical exercise
c) Stress, genetics, certain diseases
Answer 1: b)
The hair follicle, or pilosebaceous follicle, is a specific anatomical structure responsible for the production and growth of hair. It has a pouch-like shape and houses the root of the hair strand. Each follicle is capable of producing and facilitating hair growth.
Answer 2: a)
Melanin is the pigment responsible for hair colour. It is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes, located at the base of the hair follicle. As the hair grows, melanocytes produce and release melanin.
Answer 3: b)
Depigmentation is a natural process that leads to the loss of hair colour. This change occurs primarily due to two factors: aging and the reduction in the production of the pigment melanin, which results in the appearance of grey or white hair.
Answer 4: c)
While natural aging is the most common cause of gray or white hair, other factors such as stress, genetics, and certain diseases can accelerate this process. Each individual experiences these changes differently; some may notice early graying, while others may retain their natural hair color for longer.
Thordis Berger
Chief Medical Officer Holmes Place